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Breeding Females

Klein Sandfontein BamBam

She’s black, beautiful and she knows it!!! This magnificent dog is the puppy from the MES Retief breeding I did with my Klein Sandfontein Nevaeh. She is the granddaughter of the legend, Groenberg Rambo and also Klein Sandfontein The Mack Attack, bringing in the Greats like KS HUEY, PIET-ZYN-DRIFT BASTRON on the male side and KS Piper, KS Lady Sybil on the female side. She is such a happy, confident dog and exactly what we aspire to breed here. A pleasure to work with.


Klein Sandfontein BamBam

Klein Sandfontein Belle-Wich

And then there was a third sister…
Klein Sandfontein Belle-Wich was part of the split litter with Klein Sandfontein Mara and she was sired by The awesome Mack Attack.
What a spectacular dog and lovely in every way possible.
She and her two half-sisters, Isla and Rebecca will be bred later in the year or early next year. Exciting times!


Klein Sandfontein Belle-Wich
Birth Certificate

Klein Sandfontein Edelweiss

This bitch were very specially bred because I know that the combination of Groenberg Rambo and Klein Sandfontein Benji are winners!!
I was not wrong.  This is exactly what I strive to breed and the bonus is their beautiful personalities culminating in years of breeding solid, wonderful temperaments from the old Ysterberg lines. 


Klein Sandfontein Edelweiss

Klein Sandfontein Edelweiss
Hip / Elbow Dysplasia Certificate

Klein Sandfontein Giida

Klein Sandfontein Briana and Giida
These two sisters are just wonderful and we are so excited to follow their progress as they develop from beautiful pups to young females almost ready to enter the KS Breeding program. They have their magnificent dam, KS Picture Perfect traits with their kind sire, KS Major Tom in their gene pool and we are so excited to see them bloom.


Klein Sandfontein Giida
Birth Certificate

Klein Sandfontein Giida

Klein Sandfontein Isla

Klein Sandfontein Isla and Rebecca were born in our first ever split litter with their dam, Klein Sandfontein Mara who produced 4 puppies from Klein Sandfontein The Mack Attack and
4 puppies from Klein Sandfontein Rasputin.
I decided to use this beautiful young male just twice to try and
replicate the legends, Bellbusk Jeep and Middepos Khan and
bring them back into my stud.
These two sisters were very recently appraised and I am very excited to plan their breeding career in the coming months.
They are inseparable and display the very traits I strive so hard to breed – beauty, healthy and easy going, loving temperaments.


Klein Sandfontein Isla

Klein Sandfontein Letit Bee

This special dog, Klein Sandfontein Letit Bee was bred from all the “greats” including the dynamic parents of
Klein Sandfontein Judge – KS Huey and KS Asara. 
All my favourite dogs are in her pedigree and
we hope to breed her very soon.
She is beautiful all over – inside and out.


Klein Sandfontein Letit Bee

Klein Sandfontein Luvita

Klein Sandfontein Luvita is the litter sister to KS McKenzie and shares the same genetic makeup. Both these sisters have the most loving temperament and have truly inherited the best from their GREAT ancestors.
They share all the most wonderful dogs from back then….
Middelpos Alpha, Klein Sandfontein Benji, Groenberg Rambo,
Klein Sandfontein Bengal, Klein Sandfontein Huey and many, many more. We are so blessed and excited to own these two and they will soon be part of the KS breeding program.


Klein Sandfontein Luvita

Klein Sandfontein McKenzie

Klein Sandfontein McKenzie is the puppy from the exciting combination of Klein Sandfontein Major Tom and Klein Sandfontein Sadie.
These dogs bring their genetic contribution from all the GREATS which has manifested in this beautiful dog.
McKenzie has the striking Irish mark and an incredible bone structure.
She is made from pure gold.


Klein Sandfontein McKenzie

Klein Sandfontein Peppa

This beautiful Klein Sandfontein Peppa is a result of the breeding with Klein Sandfontein Isla x Klein Sandfontein Machachos and I was amazed to see her appraisal score of 81.5%. 
Apparently her chest is not wide enough and many more traits that were “too far off the breed standard”? 
This is one of my most beautiful bitches I have bred and no matter her score, this is what I strive to breed. 
I am very excited to see what she will produce once she is mature enough.  She is 14 months old in this photograph.


Klein Sandfontein Peppa

Klein Sandfontein Picture Perfect

MES Perfect x Klein Sandfontein Huey

Her name says it all.
This epic breeding combination of MES Perfect with our Huey produced the best of the best and Picture Perfect is the splitting image of her dam with the beautiful characteristics of her Sire, Klein Sandfontein Huey.


Klein Sandfontein Picture Perfect

Klein Sandfontein Queen of the Night

What a super, pretty dog she is!!
Queen is the daughter of Klein Sandfontein The Sting which brings us the greats from the past, like Klein Sandfontein Matana, Glanwyn Mandla and from her dam’s side,
Klein Sandfontein Nutcracker, Zukandi Beau and the legend, Klein Sandfontein Benji. She has the sweetest temperament, just like her mother and grandmother, Klein Sandfontein Piper.
We are so excited to be beginning her breeding career soon.


Klein Sandfontein Queen of the Night

Klein Sandfontein Rebecca

Klein Sandfontein Isla and Rebecca were born in our first ever split litter with their dam,
Klein Sandfontein Mara who produced 4 puppies from Klein Sandfontein The Mack Attack and 4 puppies from Klein Sandfontein Rasputin.
I decided to use this beautiful young male just twice to try and replicate the legends, Bellbusk Jeep and Middepos Khan and bring them back into my stud.
These two sisters were very recently appraised and I am very excited to plan their breeding career in the coming months. They are inseparable and display the very traits I strive so hard to breed – beauty, healthy and easy going, loving temperaments.


Klein Sandfontein Rebecca

Klein Sandfontein Summer Rayne

This beautiful dog is the result of some of the “old dog” blood lines,
used only once and yet she displays the strong characteristics of my current dogs. 
She is beautiful inside and out and we look forward to her progeny.


Klein Sandfontein Summer Rayne

MES Perfect

MES Maxi x MES Arnold 1

MES Perfect was an addition to our breeding program that, at the time,
I could not have known how important or significant she would be to us.
She is the daughter of the legendary MES Arnold and I knew when I saw her at 1 week old that she was going to be an impressive addition to our breeding program.
To date, she has produced a phenomenal litter, sired by KS Huey and
she did a fantastic job!
Just so happens that Huey is almost a phenotype identical look alike to MES Arnold.


MES Perfect

Klein Sandfontein Mon Ami


Klein Sandfontein Mon Ami

Upcoming Females

Klein Sandfontein Batia

Birth Certificate

Klein Sandfontein Megiddo

Birth Certificate

Klein Sandfontein MarCele Orla

Birth Certificate

Klein Sandfontein Nirvana

Birth Certificate

Klein Sandfontein Ariella

Birth Certificate

Klein Sandfontein Cara

Birth Certificate

Klein Sandfontein Aurora

Birth Certificate

Klein Sandfontein Perfect Dawn

Birth Certificate

Klein Sandfontein Perfect Breeze

Birth Certificate

MES Topaz

Klein Sandfontein Panini

Birth Certificate

Klein Sandfontein Telula

Birth Certificate

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